Full Stack Real Estate Website
- Tech Stack: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, React.js, Redux-Toolkit, RabbitMQ, MySQL. Material UI, HTML, CSS, Thymeleaf, Git, Github, Postman
- Github URL: Project Link
- Calendify is an Appointment Scheduler application that empowers users to arrange both One-time and Recurring meetings, facilitating the scheduling of both in-person and video conferencing meetings.
- Created user interfaces and 20+ Reusable Components using React and Material UI, Introduced React Big Calender Customizable Calendar component for visually appealing appointment Views.
- Leveraged Spring Boot for the backend along with Spring Security to implement secure 15+ RESTful APIs.
- Enacted Asynchronous Email Notifications and Reminders Service using spring email and RabbitMQ, resulting in a latency reduction of 92%. Instated Background Service for expired data clean-up.
- All Appointment Operations
- User Profile Management
- Authentication and Authorization using the JWT token
- Email Notifications for Appointment Actions and User Actions
- Daily Email Reminders for Appointment.
- Expired Data Clean Operation.