Automatic Attendance System Using OpenCV

  • Tech Stack: React.js, Redux-Toolkit, TailwindCSS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Firebase, Nodemailer, Vercel
  • Github URL: Project Link

Implemented a sophisticated Automatic Attendance System integrating OpenCV and Python.

Facial Detection and Recognition:

  • Leveraged OpenCV for real-time face detection and recognition tasks.
  • Utilized advanced algorithms for accurate and reliable facial identification.

Excel Sheet Integration:

  • Implemented the openpyxl module for seamless operations on an Excel sheet.
  • Marked daily attendance based on facial recognition in the Excel sheet.

Key Features:

  • Automated attendance recording through precise facial recognition technology.
  • Excel sheet integration for efficient and organized attendance management.


  • Successfully developed a robust system for automated attendance tracking.
  • Improved accuracy in attendance recording through advanced facial detection and recognition.
  • Streamlined daily attendance management in an Excel sheet for easy accessibility and analysis.