Full Stack Real Estate Website

  • Tech Stack: React.js, Redux-Toolkit, TailwindCSS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Firebase, Nodemailer, Gemini-AI, Location IQ, Vercel
  • Github URL: Project Link
  • Deployed URL: Website Link

Developed a comprehensive real estate platform from inception to deployment, employing a full stack of technologies.


  • Utilized React.js for dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
  • Implemented Redux Toolkit for efficient state management.
  • Styled interfaces with Tailwind CSS and custom CSS for a visually appealing design.


  • Engineered a robust backend using Node.js and Express.js for seamless server-side functionality.
  • Implemented MongoDB for reliable and scalable data storage.

Additional Features:

  • Geolocation-based property searching.
  • AI-enabled property description generation
  • Enabled seamless email communication using Nodemailer.
  • Incorporated firebase for secure image storage, ensuring data integrity.
  • Implemented JWT for robust security measures.


  • Successfully delivered a feature-rich real estate platform, providing users with dynamic interfaces and responsive design.
  • Ensured data security through JWT authentication and secure image storage on Firebase.
  • Implemented efficient state management, contributing to a seamless user experience.